Ny blog fra Harry :
Hi everyone,
You may of heard already but for those of you who haven’t.......I’m injured!!!!! Its called chronic compartment syndrome and the muscle has herniated.....nice! I may have to have a small operation after the marathon, nothing serious! Its so annoying because i’ve trained so hard but at the end of the day ITS ALL ABOUT THE 2 CHARITIES that i’m running for. The fundraising is going so well and i’m definately still taking part this sunday. So for those of you coming to support i’ll still be there i just might be going a bit slower then first planned!
Its your last chance to sponsor this week so if you haven’t already (then WHY NOT!!!!) then please go on the website
www.harryrunsthemarathon.com (should be harrywalksthemarathon!) and make a donation. Even if its just a small one it makes such a difference. I’ve seen that some of you have even sponsored twice so thanks!!! THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stakkels ham!! Ohh det noget lort hvis han skal have en operation. Men heldigvis har bandet ikke nogle planer til at spille før den 16 maj.. Jeg er glad for han prøver sådan at få det til at lyde, som ingenting for fansene haha.. det er sødt..